quantum leap
quantum leap
- to make a significant improvement or dramatic advancement
- to develop something massively (usually in a short frame of time but that is not a rule)
Example Sentences
- The store has taken a quantum leap from where it was and seems to be headed strongly in the right direction.
- I think that she has shown a quantum leap in her performance and should be rewarded accordingly.
- The quantum leap in this case would come if he is able to keep up to the goals that he has made for this year.
- The business proposal has taken a quantum leap from when I saw it the last time. He has finally incorporated financial numbers in his background research.
- The quantum leap for him came when he got married to a rich business man's daughter. After that for him to settle in life was very easy.
- I understand that you cannot take a quantum leap in a day, but I implore you to try.
- To take a quantum leap in the direction of your dream will be difficult but never stop striving until you achieve what you have set out for.
- The election of a female Prime Minister is a quantum leap forward for equality in humanity.
The leap being quantum creates a speculation that it comes from the Physics world. There is no evidence found in the literary world towards its origination though.