puppy love
puppy love
- a mild infatuation, or a crush
- a shallow but intense romantic attachment, usually associated with adolescents
- temporary infatuation of a teenager
- romantic love felt by a young person which disappears as they grow older
- adolescent love that is not expected to last
Example Sentences
- Most teenagers are quick to fall in love and expect it to last a lifetime, but of course it is puppy love and they soon fall out of it.
- My friend had his first love affair when he was just twelve. It was just puppy love, but at that time, he felt on top of the world.
- When Beth fell in love with Joe at a young age, she was sure that she would marry him, but now she realizes that it was just puppy love and has moved on.
- I think Pam and Sid are the cutest young couple in town. Although it might be just puppy love, they look wonderful together.
- They do make a nice couple, but do you think they would really last together or is it just puppy love?
- Jane is crazy about him, but I think it is just puppy love and don't expect it to last.
The phrase has been since the early 1800s. It refers to the love that a young dog expresses for its owner.