playing second fiddle
playing second fiddle
- to play a secondary or minor role with regards to someone else
- to be regarded as less important or be in a weak position when compared to someone else
- to be a subordinate to someone or take a backseat when it concerns that person
Example Sentences
- Sheila was determined to be the star of the show and she was not going to play second fiddle to anyone.
- Martha is always in her sister's shadow, playing second fiddle to her every time.
- After the star guest didn't turn up, John was chosen to play second fiddle.
- The new boy band is distinct and determined not to play second fiddle to any other group.
- I will never play a second fiddle to my sister.
This idiom originated from the early days of orchestra. So in the orchestra, there is a first violinist who plays the melody and is regarded as a prominent or lead violinist. Then there is the role of the second violin who leads the group of second violins that play a supportive role to the lead violinist. These second group came to be referred to as second fiddles and that is where the idiom originates from.