count chicken
count chicken
- make plans based on events that may or may not happen
- to start making plans about something that is based on something in the future which may or may not happen
- to make a plan about how the benefits of something will be utilized before it has even materialized
- usually referred to monetary benefits being allocated for causes without actually earning or receiving the money
Example Sentences
- It is not good to start counting your chickens when you do not even have the cash to start your own venture.
- She has been counting her chickens before they hatched and has already bought a dress even though nobody has asked her to the ball yet.
- People who count their chickens before they hatch are often disappointed.
- I had told him to not count his chickens before they hatch. Now he regrets paying the down payment on the car that he is no longer able to afford.
- I know you have motivated plans for your industrial endeavor, but don't count your chicken.
The origin is speculated to be a part of the ancient British English language when poultry and animal farming was a major source of earning an income. The chicken eggs would not always hatch out and hence a farmer counting the chicken eggs before they hatch would be over-estimating his future profits.
See also: don't count your chickens before they hatch