break a leg
break a leg
Meaning | Synonyms
- good luck
- best wishes
- stroke of luck
- to wish someone luck especially before a performance
Example Sentences
- “Break a leg!” shouted the stage director to his actors before the beginning of the play.
- You have an exam tomorrow? Break a leg!
- “My first stage performance is scheduled for tonight.” “Well, break a leg!”
- “Break a leg!” I shouted out to him before he rushed in for his auditions.
- When the team went out for the final race, the coach shouted out to them “break a leg!”
- I wish you good luck on the completion of your book writing for publishing. Break a leg!
This phrase has its origin in the world of theater. Performers had a superstition that saying “good luck” would actually bring them bad luck, so “break a leg” was used instead.