belly up
go belly up
- to die
- to fail
- shut down a business
- go bankrupt
- Many companies went belly up during the great inflation.
- Due to rising attraction of online business, small vendors seem to belly up within few years.
- The builder went belly up after having lost his case to the government.
- The new restaurant in town went belly up just after a month of its inauguration.
- His failed dream of being a singer has gone belly up.
- The sports team lost their last series & went belly up.
- The entrepreneur went belly up when the stock market declined & he lost his shares.
- It takes great effort to make a business survive in the market. 70% businesses go belly up during the first decade itself.
- The industrialist went belly up during the earthquake when his entire land & mills were destroyed.
Usage: Usually said about business and other organizations.
Based on the idea of a dead animal found lying on its back, with its belly (stomach) facing up this idiom has been originated. Like a dead fish or a dead animal in water, floating upside down. The same term can be used for financial failures, like a store that goes out of business due to poor sales or a company that makes bad investments and has to fold. People use the term for other sorts of failures too.