your call
your call
- to leave a decision on another person
- when someone else takes the final call of what has to be done or decides the same
- when someone else regulates what has to be done or someone else finalises the decision
Example Sentences
- I don't really care where we go right now for dinner. It's your call.
- I suggest that we use the funds to make new parks for under privileged children but it is your call in the end.
- He said, “I am not sure about this article yet. I don't think it is ready to be published.” She replied, “Okay. It's your call.”
- “Well, I have shown you both the sides to it – It's your call.” Everything has its pros and cons in the end.
- It totally depends on you if accept or refuse his proposal to be Manager. It's your call.
- “Do you want to leave now or rest for some time before that? It's your call, I don't mind either way”
- Would never go ahead and do such a thing, but it's your call.
- You know it's your call if you want to watch a movie or go for dinner with me tonight. I'll be fine with anything as far as we are together.
- I don't know why but I just can't decide on one thing here because it's all so messed up. It's your call. I just can't think of anything.
Currently we are unable to locate the origin of this idiomatic expression. If you've something about it's origin please share in comments.