trouble shared is trouble halved
trouble shared is trouble halved
- a trouble shared is a trouble halved
- a problem shared is a problem halved
- a worry shared is a worry halved
Meaning | Synonyms
- the intensity of the issue can be lowered downby discussion
- seeking help can solve the problems faster
- talking someone reliable and trustworthy aboutour concerns can create better options for us
- a bad situation can be settled down with thehelp of counseling
Example Sentences
- Don't hesitate to share your problems with me.After all, a problem shared is a problemhalved.
- Sara should tell someone about what she is goingthrough because trouble shared istrouble halved.
- The best option is to share your feelings withyour mother. A worry shared is a worryhalved.
- A psychiatrist can help Lidia to recover fromthe trauma, tell her that a troubleshared is a trouble halved.
- I want to know why you are so anxious. Let me makeyou feel good – trouble shared istrouble halved.
We were unable to trace the exact origin of the phrase“a trouble shared is a trouble halved.” However, it is used in thesense of reducing burden. The phrase is self-explanatory that by discussing ourproblems with our loved ones or with the people, who can actually help usregarding that very matter, can reduce the burden and stress.