

词组 fault
释义 fault


1responsibility for sth wrong 过失ADJECTIVE | FAULT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEstupid 愚蠢的错误It's his own stupid fault his car was stolen-he should have kept it locked.他的汽车被偷完全是他自己犯下的愚蠢错误 - 他应该把车锁上。entire 完全的错误It was my entire fault. I ruined everything.这完全是我的错误。我把一切都搞砸了。FAULT + VERBlie with sb 错误在于某人The fault lay not with her but with her manager.这不是她的错,出错的是她的经理。PREPOSITIONat fault 有过错The party at fault in a court case usually pays the other party's legal costs.在诉讼案件中,有过错的一方通常要为另一方支付诉讼费。through sb's fault 由于某人的过错Many of the soldiers died through his fault.因为他的过错,许多战士丢了性命。without fault 没有过错Having made an error of judgement she was not without fault in the matter.由于判断失误,她在这件事上难辞其咎。PHRASESbe all sb's fault, be entirely sb's fault 完全是某人的错It's all your own fault, you know.你明白吗,这全是你自己的错。be largely sb's fault, be partly sb's fault 大部分/部分是某人的错fault on sb's part (law 法律) 某人的过错the absence of fault on the part of the prosecution起诉方无罪through no fault of your own 并非由于自己的过错people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their homes那些并非因自己的过错而失去了家的人们




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