

词组 faith
释义 faith


4intention to do right 善意ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAITH | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbad, good 不良意图;好的意图The judge did not find any bad faith (= intention to do wrong) on the part of the defendants.法官没有发现被告有任何不良意图。VERB + FAITHbreak (= break a promise to sb) 不守信用PHRASESin bad faith 存心不良Thet had entered into the contract in bad faith.德签订合同时就居心不良。in good faith 真诚地We printed the report in good faith, but have now learned that it was incorrect.我们如实打印了报告,但是现在知道不该那么做。keep faith with sb 对某人信守诺言As manager, he was not prepared to keep faith with (= keep a promise to) the players who had failed him.作为主教练,他不打算对令他失望的球员守信。keep the faith 保持忠诚They kept the faith (= remained faithful) in the face of ridicule.面对嘲笑,他们一直忠贞不渝。




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