

词组 failure
释义 failure


1lack of success 没有成功ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAILURE | FAILURE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete, total 彻底的/完全的失败abject, humiliating 不光彩的失败The attempt ended in abject failure.这一尝试以不光彩的失败告终。inevitable 不可避免的失败costly 代价惨重的失败alleged, apparent, perceived 所谓的/表面上的/领悟到的失败relative 相对的失败initial 最初的失败Initial failure was followed by unexpected, if modest, success.最初的失败之后是意想不到的成功,即便并不辉煌。ultimate 最终的失败War is the ultimate failure of public communication.战争是政府沟通最终失败的结果。personal 个人的失败moral 道德败坏academic 学业失败economic, financial 经济/金融失败military 军事上的失败VERB + FAILUREbe doomed to, end in, result in 注定失败;以失败告终;导致失败All her efforts were doomed to failure.她付出的所有努力注定会失败。admit, tolerate 承认/容忍失败He was too proud to admit failure.他太骄傲了,不愿认输。I will not tolerate failure .我不会容忍失败。lament 为失败而痛惜He lamented his failure to formulate a satisfactory theory.他为自己未能创立令人满意的理论而痛惜不已。explain 解释失败的原因attribute, blame 将失败归因于⋯/归咎于⋯He attributes the failure of the project to lack of government support.他把这一项目的失败归因于缺乏政府的支持。I blame the failure of our relationship on my husband.我把我们关系的破裂归咎于我的丈夫。expect 预料到会失败Children who are doing badly tend to expect failure and criticism.成绩不好的孩子往往容易想到失败和受批评。fear 害怕失败avoid 避免失败FAILURE + NOUNrate 失败率There is a high failure rate with this treatment.这种治疗的失败率很高。PHRASESfear of failure 害怕失败Fear of failure should not deter you from trying.不应该因为害怕失败而放弃尝试。a history of failure 不成功的历史John had a long history of academic failure.约翰学习成绩差不是一天两天了。a possibility of failure, a risk of failure 失败的可能/风险a sense of failure 挫败感




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