

词组 tradition
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRADITION | TRADITION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEage-old, ancient, centuries-old, deep-rooted, old, time-honoured/time-honored 久远的/古老的/经历了几百年的/根深蒂固的/老旧的/历史悠久的传统long, long-established, long-standing 由来已久的 /很早前形成的/长期存在的传统enduring, living, unbroken, well-established 经久的/现存的/没有中断过的/已被广泛接受的传统distinguished, fine, great, honourable/honorable, venerable 卓越的/优良的/伟大的/光荣的/备受尊崇的传统proud 值得骄傲的传统cherished, hallowed 珍视的/奉为神圣的传统dominant, powerful, strong 占支配地位的/强大的/坚实的传统rich 丰富的传统Japan's rich cultural tradition and history日本丰富的文化传统和历史ancestral, family 先人留下的/家族传统inherited 继承下来的传统indigenous, local, national, native, vernacular 本土的/地方/民族/当地的/某地特有的传统folk, popular 民间传统oral, story-telling 口头传说Catholic, Christian, Islamic, pagan, etc. 天主教、基督教、伊斯兰教、异教等传统faith 信仰传统people of all faith traditions持各种信仰传统的人Eastern, English, European, etc. 东方、英国、欧洲等的传统19th-century, etc. * 19 世纪等的传统classical, medieval, modernist, etc. 古典、中世纪、现代主义等的传统academic, artistic, culinary, cultural, historical, ideological, intellectual, literary, military, musical, philosophical, political, religious, spiritual, sporting (especially BrE) , theatrical 学术/艺术/美食/文化/历史/意识形态/思想/文学/军事/音乐/哲学/政治/宗教/精神/体育/戏剧传统This region has a great musical tradition.这个地区有着伟大的音乐传统。biblical 《圣经》中提到的传统mystical 神秘的传统democratic, liberal, radical, revolutionary 民主/自由主义/激进/革命传统VERB + TRADITIONhave 有传统become 成为传统It became an annual tradition for me to ice the cake.给蛋糕涂上糖衣成了我一年一度的传统。cherish, continue, defend, follow, follow in, honour/honor, keep alive, maintain, perpetuate, preserve, respect, uphold 珍视/继续/捍卫/遵循/延续/尊重/持续/维护/永续/保持/尊敬/赞成传统Following in the Hitchcock tradition, he always appears in the movies he directs.仿效希区柯克的传统做法,他总是出现在自己执导的电影里。The locals get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.当地人每年都聚到一块儿,使他们古老的传统传承不息。hand down 把传统传下去an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation世代相传的口头传说inherit 继承传统They have inherited a rich tradition of music and dance.他们继承了音乐和舞蹈的丰富传统。abandon, break, break with, buck, defy, go against, ignore, reject 放弃/打破/违背/反抗/鄙视/反对/不理会/抵制传统He broke with the family tradition and did not go down the mines.他打破了家族传统,没有下矿井(做工)。challenge 挑战传统The girl had challenged the traditions of her patriarchal tribe.这个女孩儿曾向她所在的宗法部落的传统提出挑战。establish, start 建立/开始传统embody 体现传统extend, reinterpret, revive 延续/重新诠释/振兴传统celebrate 庆祝传统share 分享传统TRADITION + VERBcontinue, die hard, exist, remain, survive 传统延续;传统难消灭;传统存留下来Old habits and traditions die hard.旧的习惯和传统难以革除。date back to, go back to 传统追溯到⋯The tradition dates back to the 16th century.这个传统可以追溯到 16 世纪。dictate sth, emphasize sth, hold sth, say sth, teach sth 传统支配⋯/强调⋯/坚持⋯/认为⋯/教授⋯PREPOSITIONaccording to (a/the) tradition 根据传说According to tradition, a tree grew on this spot.根据传说,这儿长出过一棵树。by tradition 按照传统By tradition, ships are often referred to as 'she' in English.按照传统,船只在英语里通常被称为“她”。in (a/the) tradition 依据传统In time-honoured / time-honored tradition, a bottle of champagne was smashed on the ship.依据由来已久的传统,在船上摔碎了一瓶香槟酒。He's a politician in the tradition of (= similar in style to) Kennedy.他是个肯尼迪式的政治人物。PHRASESbound by tradition 受传统约束He made it clear he was not going to be bound by tradition.他明确表示不会受传统的约束。a departure from tradition 对传统的背离In a departure from tradition, the bride wore red.新娘打破传统,穿了一身红装。in the best traditions of sth 继承⋯的最优秀传统The building was constructed in the best traditions of church architecture.这一建筑是依照教堂最杰出的建筑风格建造的。respect for tradition 对传统的尊重His education gave him a lasting respect for tradition.他受的教育使他始终对传统抱有尊重。




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