

词组 yawn
释义 yawn


ADJECTIVE | VERB + YAWN | YAWN + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, deep, huge 大哈欠;深深的哈欠loud, noisy 大声的哈欠stifled 忍住的哈欠collective (figurative) 集体不感兴趣The speech was greeted with a collective yawn from the press gallery.记者席上的人对这次演讲全都不感兴趣。VERB + YAWNfight back, hold back, stifle, suppress 忍住/控制/强忍/抑制哈欠He struggled to stifle a yawn.他努力忍住哈欠。give, let out 打哈欠The little boy gave a huge yawn.小男孩打了一个大哈欠。conceal 遮掩哈欠He tried to conceal his yawn behind his hand.他试图用手捂住嘴打哈欠。YAWN + VERBescape 哈欠没忍住A loud yawn escaped my lips.我没能忍住打了一个大哈欠。PREPOSITIONwith a yawn 打着哈欠




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