

词组 hiss
释义 hiss


ADJECTIVE | VERB + HISS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEloud, sharp 响亮的/刺耳的咝咝声faint, low, slight, soft 轻微的咝咝声There was a low hiss on the tape.录音带里有低微的咝咝声。audible, noticeable 能听见的/引人注意的咝咝声VERB + HISSgive, let out 咝咝作响The snake gave a hiss.蛇发出咝咝声。hear 听到咝咝声PREPOSITIONwith a hiss 带着咝咝声She drew in her breath with a hiss.她咝地吸了一口气。hiss of ⋯的咝咝声We could hear the faint hiss of escaping gas.我们能听到气体泄漏时发出的轻微咝咝声。PHRASESboos and hisses 嘘声;起哄声a hiss of air 空气的咝咝声a hiss of pain 疼痛的呻吟She let out a hiss of pain.她痛得哼了一声。 note at sound




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