

词组 execution
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1killing sb as an official punishment 处决ADJECTIVE | VERB + EXECUTION | EXECUTION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpublic 公开处决mass 大规模处决judicial 司法处决extrajudicial 庭外处决federal, state (both especially NAmE) 联邦罪犯处决;州罪犯处决a senator's request to suspend federal executions一名参议员要求延迟联邦罪犯处决state-sponsored (especially NAmE) 由州提出的处决arbitrary, summary 恣意处决;草率处决Human rights organizations have accused the army of summary executions.人权组织控告军队草菅人命。political 政治处决mock 模拟处决scheduled 刑期已定的处决the hours before his scheduled execution预定对他行刑前的几个小时imminent, impending 即将处决juvenile (NAmE) 对未成年人的处决the Supreme Court decision to ban juvenile executions最高法院禁止对未成年人执行死刑的决定VERB + EXECUTIONorder 下令处死The tribunal ordered the execution of 42 coup plotters.法庭下令处死 42 个政变策划者。face 面临死刑If caught, the men could face execution.如果被捕,这些人可能被处决。await 等待处决prisoners who are on death row awaiting execution等待处决的死刑犯suffer (formal) 遭处死She was taken prisoner and suffered eventual execution.她被捕入狱,最终被处决。escape 逃过处决delay, postpone, stay, suspend 推迟处决;暂停行刑;延缓行刑The US Supreme Court refused to stay the execution.美国最高法院拒绝延缓行刑。halt, stop 停止/中止执行死刑oversee 监督行刑The army oversaw the trial and execution of the king.军队监督了对国王的审讯和处决。carry out 执行处决Executions were carried out in the prison yard.死刑在监狱院子里执行了。attend, watch, witness 出席/观看/目睹死刑执行EXECUTION + VERBgo ahead, take place 执行死刑A bell was tolled when executions took place.执行死刑时会鸣钟。PREPOSITIONexecution by 以⋯方式处死execution by hanging处以绞刑PHRASESa stay of execution 缓期执行死刑The judge had granted a stay of execution.法官已准予缓期执行死刑。




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