

词组 odds
释义 odds


ADJECTIVE | VERB + ODDS | ODDS + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, great, impossible, incredible, insurmountable, overwhelming, terrible 相当大的/巨大的/无法想象的/难以置信的/无法克服的/令人不知所措的/可怕的困境She struggled against terrible odds to overcome her illness.她奋力与可怕的困境抗争去战胜疾病。good 几率大high, low 可能性大;可能性小long, short (especially BrE) 高赔率;低赔率Sometimes an outsider will win at long odds, but not often.有时不被看好的赛马也会爆冷获胜,但这种情况并不经常发生。The bookmakers are offering only short odds on the favourite. (BrE) 赛马博彩经纪人只给热门马很低的赔率。VERB + ODDSoffer, quote 开出赔率lay 打赌I'll lay odds we never see him again.我打赌我们再也不会见到他了。reduce, shorten 降低可能性;减少几率improve, increase 提高几率;增加可能性beat, defy, overcome 排除可能性;克服困难She defied the odds to beat the clear favourite / favorite.她克服困难击败了最有希望的夺冠者。calculate 预测赔率ODDS + VERBfall, go down, lengthen (especially BrE) 赔率下降;可能性增加go up, increase, shorten (especially BrE) 赔率上升;可能性减小favour/favor sb 情形对某人有利PREPOSITIONagainst the odds 尽管困难重重The movie is a heart-warming tale of triumph against the odds.电影讲述了一个克服重重困难获得成功的感人故事。odds against 对⋯不利的因素The odds against making a profit in this business are huge.在这一行业要实现盈利有巨大的困难。odds of ⋯的赔率They were offering odds of ten to one.他们提出以 10 比 1 的赔率打赌。odds on 在⋯方面的赔率The odds on the outsider were 100-1.冷门马的赔率是 100 比 1。PHRASESagainst all odds, against all the odds 克服重重困难Against all the odds, we managed to get through to the final.我们克服重重困难进入了决赛。face impossible odds, face insurmountable odds 遭遇几乎想象不到的/遭遇无法逾越的困难the odds are stacked against sb, the odds are stacked in favour/favor of sb 情况对某人不利/有利He will try hard to win, although he knows the odds are stacked against him.尽管知道困难重重,他仍将尽力争取获胜。




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