

词组 select
释义 select


ADVERB | VERB + SELECT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcarefully 仔细挑选specially, specifically 特意/专门挑选deliberately 谨慎挑选arbitrarily, at random, randomly 任意挑选;随机选择The winning entry will be selected at random by computer.获胜者将由计算机随机选出。automatically 自动选择The program automatically selects and stores the most frequently used data.程序会自动筛选并储存最常用的数据。manually 手工挑选personally 亲自挑选VERB + SELECTallow sb to, enable sb to 允许某人挑选;使某人能够选择PREPOSITIONaccording to 根据⋯选择Students select modules according to their interests.学生根据个人兴趣选择学习模块。as 挑选为⋯They were selected as finalists for this year's awards.他们成为今年最终的获奖人选。for 为⋯选择She has been selected for the team.她已入选该球队。from 从⋯中选择You can select goods from our catalogue.您可从我们的商品目录中挑选商品。PHRASESbe selected on the basis of 基于⋯入选They were selected on the basis of size.他们靠规模入选。well selected 精挑细选This anthology is well selected and presented.这部选集的文章经过精挑细选,而且编排颇具匠心。




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