

词组 network
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1connections 连接ADJECTIVE | VERB + NETWORK | NETWORK + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEextensive, large, vast, wide, widespread 面积大的网络;巨大的网络;广布的网络an extensive network of underground tunnels四通八达的地下隧道网complex, elaborate, intricate 复杂的/精密的/错综复杂的网络dense 密集的网络global, local, national, nationwide, regional, worldwide 全球/地方/国家/全国/地区/全世界范围的网络neural 神经网络the structure of the brain's neural networks大脑的神经网络结构bus (especially BrE) , motorway (in the UK) , rail, railroad (NAmE) , railway (BrE) , road, train 公共汽车网络;公路网;铁路网;道路网络distribution 分销网络integrated 集成网络VERB + NETWORKbuild up, construct, create, develop, establish, set up 建立/构建/创立/开发/创办/设立网络They are establishing a network of pumps and pipelines to move the oil.他们要建立一个油泵和管线的网络输送石油。launch 启动网络form 形成网络The new rail services will form a network connecting the capital and major cities.新的铁路设施将形成一个网络,连接首都和各个主要城市。join 加入网络Once a supplier joins the network, its shipping systems are integrated with the others.一旦供应商加入该网络,其运输系统就与其他供应商合成一体。use 利用网络operate, run 使网络运行maintain, manage 维护/管理网络expand 拓展网络destroy, dismantle 毁坏/拆除网络We are dismantling the financial networks that have funded terrorism.我们正在瓦解为恐怖主义提供资金的金融网。NETWORK + NOUNinfrastructure 网络基础设施PREPOSITIONin a/the network 在网络中one of the depots in the company's network公司内网中的仓库之一through a/the network 经由网络Drinking water is brought to the town through a network of underground pipes.饮用水通过地下管道网输送到镇上。via a/the network 经由网络The newspapers are sent out via a national distribution network.报纸由全国分销网发送出去。network of ⋯的网络a network of threads线网




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