

词组 dislike
释义 dislike


1feeling of not liking sb/sth 不喜欢ADJECTIVE | VERB + DISLIKE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeep, extreme, great, intense, real, strong, violent, visceral 深深的反感;极端的厌恶;强烈的反感;打心眼儿里的厌恶Several committee members expressed their intense dislike of the chairman.几个委员会成员表达了对主席的强烈厌恶。growing 越来越强的反感general 普遍的反感Consumers show a general dislike for genetically modified food products.顾客普遍表示不喜欢转基因食品。obvious 明显的反感immediate, instant 即刻产生的厌恶感instinctive 本能的厌恶active 非常的不满She threw him a look of active dislike.她极为不满地瞥了他一眼。personal 个人的反感mutual 相互的反感In spite of their mutual dislike and hostility, they often worked together.尽管他们彼此反感和敌视,但他们经常一起工作。VERB + DISLIKEfeel, harbour/harbor (especially BrE) , have 觉得反感;心怀厌恶She felt dislike rather than sympathy as he told his story.当他讲起自己的故事,她没有感到同情反而觉得厌恶。My father has a great dislike of long hair on boys.我父亲非常厌恶男孩留长头发。express, show 表达反感;表现出厌恶develop 产生厌恶Her husband developed a strong dislike for the dog.她的丈夫对这只狗产生了极度的厌恶情绪。PREPOSITIONwith dislike 厌恶地Sonia stared at me with dislike and distrust.索尼娅瞪着我,满脸反感和不信任。dislike for 对⋯的不喜欢She had a deep dislike for Robert's wife.她很不喜欢罗伯特的妻子。dislike of 对⋯的反感their dislike of central government他们对中央政府的反感PHRASESa feeling of dislike, a look of dislike 厌恶的感觉/神情take a dislike to sb 厌恶某人I took an instant dislike to my new colleague.我一下子就对新同事产生了厌恶之情。




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