

词组 minister
释义 minister


1 (BrE) member of the government 政府成员ADJECTIVE | VERB + MINISTER | MINISTER + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEprime 首相;总理chief, principal (both historical) 首席部长/大臣deputy 副部长junior, senior 次级/高级大臣cabinet, departmental, EU, Foreign Office, government, Home Office 内阁大臣;部级大臣;欧盟部长;外交大臣;政府大臣;内政部大臣defence, education, environment, finance, foreign, health, interior, justice, transport, etc. 国防、教育、环境、财政、外交、卫生、内政、司法、交通等部长former, outgoing 前任部长;即将卸任的大臣VERB + MINISTERappoint (sb), appoint sb as, be named, nominate (sb), nominate sb as 任命(某人为)部长;被任命为大臣;提名(某人为)部长elect (sb), elect sb as 选举(某人为)部长dismiss (sb as) 免去(某人)部长职务serve as 任部长He served briefly as prime minister from 1920 to 1921.他在 1920 到 1921 年间曾短暂担任过首相。lobby, persuade, urge 游说/劝说/敦促部长Groups are lobbying the Transport Minister over the issue.一些集团正在就此事游说交通部长。advise, consult, instruct 建议/咨询/指示部长accuse, criticize 指责/批评部长MINISTER + VERBresign, retire 部长辞职/退休be accountable to sb, be responsible for sth 部长向某人负责/就⋯负责Ministers are accountable to Parliament.大臣们向议会负责。the minister responsible for the health service负责公共医疗卫生的部长announce sth, declare sth, unveil sth 部长宣布⋯;部长把⋯公之于众agree sth, agree to sth, approve sth, decide sth, endorse sth 部长同意⋯;部长批准⋯;部长决定⋯;部长赞同⋯intervene (in sth) 部长干预(⋯)The foreign minister intervened with disastrous results.外交部长的干预带来了灾难性的后果。PREPOSITIONminister for ⋯部长the new minister for the Arts新任艺术部长minister of ⋯部长A new minister of defence had been appointed.新的国防部长已获任命。 see also prime minister




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