

词组 diagram
释义 diagram


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DIAGRAM | DIAGRAM + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclear 清楚的图表detailed 详细的图表simple 简单的图表block, flow, network, schematic, tree, Venn 方块图;流程图;网络图;略图;树形图;维恩图circuit, wiring 电路图;布线图VERB + DIAGRAMdraw 绘制图表Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.画一张树叶结构简图。see 看图表See the diagram on page 31.请参阅 31 页图表。DIAGRAM + VERBdepict sth, illustrate sth, indicate sth, represent sth, show sth 图表描述⋯;图解说明⋯;示意图显示⋯a flow diagram showing the stages in the printing process显示印刷过程的流程图PREPOSITIONin a/the diagram 在图表中Compare this system to the one shown in diagram B.将此系统与图 B 中的系统对照。on a/the diagram 在图表上The trees will be planted at the points marked on the diagram.将在图中标出的地点植树。diagram of ⋯的图表a diagram of the human nervous system人体神经系统图




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