

词组 desert
释义 desert


ADJECTIVE | VERB + DESERT | DESERT + VERB | DESERT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEarid, barren, dry, hot 干旱的/不毛的/干燥的/炎热的沙漠green fields surrounded by arid desert干旱沙漠包围的绿洲vast 广袤的沙漠empty, open (especially NAmE) 空旷的/开阔的沙漠inhospitable 荒凉的沙漠Arctic, polar 北极荒漠;极地荒原high 高地沙漠flat 平坦的沙漠cultural (figurative) 文化沙漠The town has become a cultural desert.这个镇子变成了一个文化荒漠。VERB + DESERTbecome, turn into, turn to 变成沙漠The land loses its protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.土地失去植被保护就会很快变成沙漠。cross 穿越沙漠He became the first person to cross the desert on foot.他成了第一个徒步穿越这片沙漠的人。DESERT + VERBstretch 沙漠延伸The desert stretched for endless miles on all sides of us.沙漠向我们周围无限延伸。DESERT + NOUNarea, country, land, landscape, region 沙漠区域/国家/地带/风光/地区vast tracts of desert land大片大片一望无际的沙漠地带conditions 沙漠环境heat 沙漠高温sand, soil 沙漠沙土;荒漠土壤floor, surface 沙漠地面/地表plain 沙漠平原animal, plant 沙漠动物/植物PREPOSITIONacross the desert, through the desert 穿越沙漠their journey across the desert他们穿越沙漠的旅行in the desert 在沙漠里cold nights in the desert沙漠里寒冷的夜晚into the desert 进入沙漠He drove off into the desert.他驾车进入了沙漠。




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