

词组 wish
释义 wish


1feeling that you want sth 愿望ADJECTIVE | VERB + WISH | WISH + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdearest, deepest, desperate, fervent, fondest (especially NAmE) , greatest, strong 最热切的愿望;最深切的意愿;最殷切的愿望;最大的愿望;强烈的渴望conscious, unconscious 自觉的意愿;下意识的愿望secret 内心的愿望express, expressed 明确表达的愿望dying, final, last 临终愿望;最后遗愿He was denied his dying wish to be reconciled with his son.临终前他想和儿子和解的愿望遭到了拒绝。death (有意识或无意识希望自己或他人死亡的)死亡愿望Freud's theory of the death wish弗洛伊德的死亡愿望理论personal 个人的愿望parental 父母的意愿the child's detention against parental wishes有悖于父母意愿将孩子课后留校的做法VERB + WISHhave 有愿望I have no wish to cause any trouble among them.我不希望给他们带来任何矛盾。express, make known 表达意愿;把愿望公开She has expressed a wish to seek asylum here.她表达了想在此地寻求避难的愿望。fulfil/fulfill 实现愿望She fulfilled her deepest wish when she flew solo for the first time.她初次独立飞行,实现了自己最深切的愿望。get 如愿以偿She's always wanted to be an actress, and I'm sure she'll get her wish.她一直想当演员,我相信她会如愿以偿的。grant (sb) 答应(某人的)愿望honour/honor, respect, take into account 尊重意愿;考虑愿望It is vital for schools to respect the wishes of parents.对学校来说,尊重家长的意愿至关重要。carry out, comply with, meet 实现愿望;遵从意愿;满足愿望We need to update our equipment if we are to meet customers' wishes.如果我们要满足顾客的要求,就需要更新设备。obey 遵从意愿She flew into a rage if the staff didn't obey her wishes.如果员工们不遂她的意,她就大发雷霆。deny sb 拒绝某人的愿望disregard, go against, ignore, override (especially BrE) , ride roughshod over (BrE) 无视意愿;违背意愿;忽视愿望;践踏愿望She eventually went against her family's wishes and published her autobiography.最后,她违背家人的意愿,出版了自传。The Government blatantly ignored the wishes of the public.政府公然无视公众的意愿。The committee rode roughshod over the wishes of union members.委员会残忍践踏了工会会员的意愿。reflect 反映愿望The change to the constitution reflects the wishes of the people who voted in the referendum.宪章的修改反映了在全民公决中投票的民众的愿望。WISH + NOUNfulfilment/fulfillment 愿望的实现list 愿望一览表Draw up a wish list, defining the requirements for your ideal home.列一个愿望清单,明确你对理想住宅的要求。PREPOSITIONagainst sb's wishes 违背某人的意愿Against his mother's wishes, he decided to quit school and look for a job.他不顾母亲的意愿,决定辍学去找工作。The meeting took place against the wishes of the State Department.这次会议的召开违背了国务院的意愿。Her father will not speak to her, because she married against his wishes.她父亲不想跟她说话,因为她的婚事违背了父亲的意愿。in sb's wish 在某人的愿望中In his wish to be as helpful as possible, he was forever asking her what she wanted.他希望自己能尽可能地帮忙,所以他总是在问她需要什么。in accordance with sb's wishes 遵循某人的意愿In accordance with his wishes, his ashes were scattered at sea.遵照他的遗愿,他的骨灰撒入了大海。wish for 对⋯的渴望a wish for peace对和平的渴望




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