

词组 marketing
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + MARKETING | MARKETING + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclever, effective, good 巧妙的/有效的/出色的营销poor 拙劣的营销aggressive 强势的营销online 在线营销mass 大众营销niche 利基营销direct, one-to-one (NAmE) , targeted 直销;一对一销售;定向销售guerrilla (especially NAmE) , interactive, viral, word-of-mouth 游击/互动/病毒式/口碑营销Users downloaded the ad and sent it on to friends, a pure form of viral marketing.用户下载广告发送给朋友,这是一种纯粹的病毒式营销。global, international, worldwide 全球/国际/世界范围的营销VERB + MARKETINGdo 做营销The company has done some effective marketing of the new model.公司已为新款产品做了一些有效的营销活动。improve 改进营销MARKETING + NOUNcampaign, exercise (especially BrE) , strategy 营销活动;营销策略blitz, effort, push 闪电式营销;营销努力The film was a flop, despite a big marketing blitz.尽管对这部电影进行了铺天盖地的宣传,结果还是票房惨败。gimmick, ploy, tool 营销伎俩/计策/手段hype 营销炒作Everyone will tell you their product is best but this is just marketing hype.谁都会说自家的产品是最好的,但这不过是营销炒作而已。director, executive, manager 营销总监/主管/经理consultant, guru, specialist 营销顾问/大师/专家agency, company, department, firm (especially BrE) 营销代理;行销公司;营销部budget 营销预算We don't have a huge marketing budget and rely on word-of-mouth.我们没有巨额营销预算,主要依赖口碑。PREPOSITIONin marketing 从事营销工作She works in marketing.她从事营销工作。through marketing, with marketing 通过营销We could get more sales through better marketing.我们可以通过改进营销来提高销售额。PHRASESsales and marketing 销售与推广 topic at business




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