

词组 target
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3result, person, etc. that you aim to reach 意欲达到的目标ADJECTIVE | VERB + TARGET | TARGET + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEachievable, attainable (especially BrE) , low, modest, realistic 可实现的/可达到的/低的/适中的/现实的目标ambitious, challenging (especially BrE) , demanding (especially BrE) , difficult, high, tough, unrealistic 雄心勃勃的/富有挑战性的/苛刻的/难以实现的/高的/艰巨的/不现实的目标She has always set herself very high targets.她总是给自己设定非常高的目标。impossible 不可能实现的目标new 新目标clear, specific 明确的/具体的目标chief, key, main, major, primary, prime, principal 首要目标;关键目标;主要目标annual 年度目标immediate, initial 当前/初步目标future, long-term, ultimate 未来/长期/最终目标economic, financial, growth, inflation, performance, price, production, profit, recruitment, sales, spending 经济/财务/增长/通胀/业绩/价格/生产/利润/招聘/销售/支出目标Hospital performance targets will not be met.医院的绩效目标将无法实现。VERB + TARGETset 制定目标Managers must set targets that are realistic.经营者必须制定切合实际的目标。aim for 瞄准目标Students should be given a target to aim for.应该给学生制定一个努力的目标。achieve, meet, reach 实现目标;达到目标stay on/within 保持在目标范围之内in a desperate attempt to stay within budget targets竭尽全力不超过预算目标exceed 超出目标The company pays bonuses to workers who exceed production targets.公司给超额完成生产指标的工人发奖金。fall short of 未达到目标TARGET + NOUNaudience, demographic (especially NAmE) , group, market, population 目标观众;目标人口;目标群体;目标市场The film's target demographic is women aged 18-49 years.这部电影的目标观众是 18 至 49 岁的妇女。date 预定日期to meet a target date of May 2002于 2002 年 5 月如期完成figure (especially BrE) , level, price, range, weight 目标数值/水平/价格/范围/重量PREPOSITIONabove (a/the) target 超出目标Sales so far this year are 20% above target.到目前为止今年的销售额已经超出目标 20%。off target 未达到目标These figures are way off target.这些数字远未达标。on target 有可能实现目标We are still right on target.我们仍很有可能完成指标。within target 在目标内We are well within our target for trains arriving on time.火车准点率符合我们设定的目标。over (a/the) target 超出目标Many pay agreements reached were over the original target of 4%.已达成的许多工资协议超过了原定的 4% 的目标。towards/toward (a/the) target 向着目标We are working towards / toward a target of twenty cars a week.我们正在向每星期 20 辆汽车的目标努力。target for ⋯的目标The CEO has set new targets for growth.首席执行官已确定了新的增长目标。




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