

词组 luck
释义 luck


ADJECTIVE | ... OF LUCK | VERB + LUCK | LUCK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbetter, good, great 更好的运气;好运;极好的运气blind, dumb (NAmE) , plain, pure, sheer 撞上的运气;纯粹的运气;全凭好运It was sheer luck that we met like that.我们能那样相遇全凭运气。random 偶然的运气amazing, extraordinary, incredible 令人惊喜的/非同寻常的/难以置信的好运bad, cruel (BrE) , hard, ill, poor (especially BrE) , rotten, terrible, tough, unfortunate 噩运;霉运It was rotten luck to be sick on the day of the interview.面试当天生病,真倒霉。... OF LUCKpiece, stroke 一桩幸事By a stroke of luck I came across it in a local bookshop.我幸运地在当地一家书店发现了它。VERB + LUCKhave 有运气I haven't had much luck recently.我最近有点儿时运不济。bring (sb), give sb (给某人)带来运气This ring has always brought me good luck.这枚戒指一直带给我好运。wish sb 祝某人好运I wished her luck for the future.我祝她未来走运。need 需要好运chance, try 碰运气I decided to try my luck at the roulette wheel.我决定到轮盘赌那儿试试运气。ride (BrE) 一路好运We rode our luck (= our luck continued) towards the end of the game.我们一路好运直到比赛结束。press (NAmE) , push 继续碰运气;再次冒险Don't push your luck!别贪心不足!bemoan (especially BrE) 哀叹运气LUCK + VERBdesert sb (especially BrE) , run out 运气抛弃某人;运气已尽It looks as though our luck's finally run out.看来我们的运气好像是到头了。continue, hold 运气继续;好运不变If our luck holds, we should win.如果我们运气还在,应该能赢。change, turn 运气好转He went on gambling, sure his luck was about to change.他继续赌博,坚信自己会时来运转。strike 运气降临More bad luck struck last week.上星期又发生了更多倒霉事。PREPOSITIONby... luck 因为运气By sheer luck we managed to get out in time.万幸的是,我们总算及时逃了出来。for luck 为了讨吉利I always carry it with me, just for luck.为讨吉利,我总是随身带着它。in luck 走运You're in luck-there are just two tickets left.您真走运 - 就剩两张票了。out of luck 不走运I had hoped there would be another train, but I was out of luck.我原本想着还能有一趟火车,但我不太走运。with luck 有好运With luck, we'll get there before it closes.走运的话,我们会在关门之前赶到。PHRASESas luck would have it 碰巧As luck would have it, my brother offered me his apartment.碰巧,我哥哥提出把他的公寓给我住。beginner's luck 新手的好运气I don't know why I did so well-it must be beginner's luck.我不知道自己怎么做得这么好,这肯定是新手的好运气吧。better luck next time 下次好运If you didn't win a prize, better luck next time.如果没获奖,愿你下次好运。can't believe your luck 简直不能相信运气这么好He couldn't believe his luck when the other candidate for the job withdrew.该职位的另一名应征者退出了竞争,他简直不能相信自己运气这么好。just my luck 我总是那么倒霉Just my luck to get the broken chair!我这把椅子是坏的,我总是那么倒霉!luck is on your side 交好运I thought I was going to miss the train but luck was on my side.我以为要赶不上火车了,还好我运气不错。make your own luck 自己创造好运You make your own luck in business.商机是自己创造出来的。




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