

词组 responsible
释义 responsible


4showing/needing good sense and reliability 有责任感;需要责任感VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, seem 尽职;好像尽职become 变得尽责consider sb 认为某人能够承担责任In California you have to be 21 to be considered responsible enough to drink.在加利福尼亚州,必须满 21 岁才能被认为可以饮酒。make sb 使某人有责任感their efforts to make the industry more responsible and responsive to concerns他们使该行业变得更有责任感且更积极回应人们所关心问题的努力ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc. 极其/相当/非常可靠highly 有高度责任感ecologically, environmentally 有生态意识;有环境意识The organization needs to become more environmentally responsible.该组织应该加强环境意识。ethically, morally, politically, socially 有道德意识;有政治意识;有社会意识Resources must be allocated in a morally responsible way.资源分配必须要对得起良心。financially, fiscally (especially NAmE) 有经济/有金融意识PREPOSITIONwith 对⋯尽责They are not very responsible with money.他们花钱有些大手大脚。




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