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repayment noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + REPAYMENT | REPAYMENT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfull 全额偿还partial 部分偿还early 提前偿付◆Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.提前还贷的话利息可以退还。regular 定期偿还monthly, weekly, etc. 每月、每周等还款capital, principal 资本/本金偿还interest 利息偿还debt, loan, mortgage (BrE) 债务/贷款/抵押借款偿还VERB + REPAYMENTmake 偿还◆The repayments can be made directly from your current account.还款可以直接从往来账户上扣除。keep up (BrE) , meet (especially BrE) 坚持/按时还款◆They are struggling to keep up their loan repayments.他们努力坚持偿还贷款。demand 要求偿还◆The bank has demanded repayment of the loan.银行已发出偿还贷款的要求。be due for (BrE) 到期应还款◆The loans are due for repayment in July 2015.贷款将在 2015 年 7 月到期。spread 分期还款◆Repayments can be spread over 25 years.还款可分 25 年付清。calculate 计算偿还款REPAYMENT + NOUNperiod 偿还期plan, schedule, terms 偿还计划/时间表/条款option 还款选项◆a ten-year repayment option10 年分期还款的选项rate 偿还率loan, mortgage (both BrE) 定额还款借贷/按揭PREPOSITIONrepayment on 就⋯的还款◆repayments on the mortgage按揭还款repayment to 对⋯的偿还◆repayment to the fund对基金的偿还 |