

词组 lean
释义 lean


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBheavily 严重倾斜lightly 轻微倾斜slightly 微微倾斜casually, comfortably, lazily, nonchalantly 随意地/舒适地/懒洋洋地/漠然地斜靠Kate leaned comfortably against the wall.凯特舒适地靠在墙上。eagerly 急切地倾身confidentially, conspiratorially 神秘兮兮地倾身weakly, wearily 虚弱地/疲倦地斜靠precariously 摇摇晃晃地靠close, near 靠近He leaned closer, lowering his voice.他压低声音,靠得更近了。across, down, forward, out, over 向对面/向下/向前/向外/向下方倾斜She leaned forward eagerly to listen to him.她急切地探身向前听他说。away, back, backwards/backward 向别处倾斜;向后倾斜He leaned back in his chair.他向后靠在椅子上。sideways 向一边倾斜PREPOSITIONacross 向对面倾斜She was leaning confidentially across the table.她神神秘秘地从桌上探过身来。against 倚靠在⋯上She leaned her head against his shoulder.她把头靠在他的肩膀上。from 从⋯探出Women and children leaned from the windows of the surrounding tenements.妇女和孩子们从周围房屋的窗口探出身来。into 探身进入He leaned into the open doorway.他把身子探进敞开的门里。on 靠着The old man was leaning heavily on a stick.老人正吃力地拄着拐杖。out of 探出She leaned precariously out of the window.她把身子探出窗外,真危险。over 俯身靠着She leaned casually over the railings.她随意地俯身靠在栏杆上。through 从中探出The taxi driver leaned through his window.出租车司机从车窗探出头来。to 斜向⋯She leaned to one side.她歪向一边。towards/toward 向⋯倾斜He leaned towards / toward her.他倾身靠向她。




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