

词组 surgery
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2 (BrE) place/time a doctor/dentist sees patients 诊所;门诊时间ADJECTIVE | VERB + SURGERY | SURGERY + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEopen 开门的诊所afternoon, evening, morning 下午/晚间/上午门诊dental, doctor's, GP's, veterinary 牙科/医生/全科/兽医诊所VERB + SURGERYdo, have, hold 接诊;应诊I'll do morning surgery, if you like.如果你愿意,我上午接诊吧。She has a morning surgery.她上午接诊。He holds surgery from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.他上午 10 点到下午 1 点接诊。attend, go to 就诊;去诊所those attending the doctor's surgery with physical symptoms那些身体不适去看医生的人I'll have to go to the surgery to pick up the prescription.我要去诊所取药方。SURGERY + NOUNhours 门诊时间PREPOSITIONin a/the surgery 在诊所Dr Smith isn't in the surgery today.史密斯医生今天不在诊所。




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