

词组 summons
释义 summons


1order to go somewhere 命令ADJECTIVE | VERB + SUMMONS | SUMMONS + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEurgent 紧急召唤royal 王室宣召VERB + SUMMONSsend, send out 发出命令await, expect 等待命令;等候召唤I stayed at home that night awaiting her summons.那晚我待在家里等待她的召唤。get, hear, receive 接到命令;听到召唤;收到命令answer, obey, respond to 回应召唤;遵守命令;对召唤作出反应ignore 对召唤置之不理SUMMONS + VERBcome 命令到达She was ready when the summons came.接到命令时她已经准备就绪。PREPOSITIONsummons from 来自⋯的命令She responded immediately to the summons from her boss.老板要见她,她立刻就去了。summons to 去⋯的召令I received an urgent summons to her office.她紧急召我去她办公室。PHRASESa summons to appear before sb 去接受某人问询的命令He received a summons to appear before the committee.他接到命令去接受委员会的问询。




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