

词组 land
释义 land


1surface of the earth 地表ADJECTIVE | VERB + LAND | LAND + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdry 陆地It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea.在海上漂泊数月之后又回到陆地,真是太好了。VERB + LANDreach 到达陆地The explorers reached land after a long voyage.探险者经过漫长的航行后到达了陆地。sight 看见陆地In the distance the crew sighted land.船员们看到了远处的陆地。reclaim 开垦陆地The new project will reclaim the land from the sea.新工程将填海拓地。LAND + NOUNmass 大陆块chains of volcanoes running along the edge of continental land masses沿着大陆板块边缘伸展的火山链surface 陆地表面animal, mammal 陆生动物/哺乳动物battle, war 陆地战役/战争forces 陆军With the land forces defeated, everything now rested on the navy.陆军战败后,就全靠海军了。PREPOSITIONby land 从陆地It's impossible to reach this beach by land because of the high cliffs.因为那些悬崖峭壁,不可能从陆路到达这片海滩。on land 在陆地上Some animals can live both on land and in water.有些动物是水陆两栖的。




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