

词组 circumstance
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1(usually circumstances) facts/events that affect sth 情况;境况ADJECTIVE | ... OF CIRCUMSTANCES | CIRCUMSTANCE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfavourable/favorable 有利的环境The plan might work better with more favourable / favorable circumstances.如果客观环境有所改善,这个计划实施起来效果可能更好。adverse, difficult, dire, tragic, trying, unfavourable/unfavorable 逆境;困境;可怕的境遇;悲惨的境遇;艰难的环境;不利的环境people facing adverse circumstances面对逆境的人He died in tragic circumstances.他在悲惨的境况中死去。normal, ordinary 正常/一般情况In normal circumstances I would let you use my car, but today I need it.正常情况下我会让你用我的车,但是今天我要用车。exceptional, extraordinary, extreme, special, unusual 异常/特别/极端/特殊/不寻常的情况Only if the circumstances are exceptional will we accept late applications.除非特殊情况,否则我们不接受逾期申请。mysterious, suspicious 神秘的/可疑的情况She died in rather suspicious circumstances.她死得相当蹊跷。extenuating, mitigating 可减轻罪行的/可考虑从轻处置的情节His sentence was reduced because of the extenuating circumstances.因为有可减轻罪行的情节,他获得了减刑。changed, changing, different 变化了的/正在变化的/不同的情况unavoidable, unforeseen 不可避免的/未预见到的情况economic, financial, historical, political, social 经济/财务/历史/政治/社会状况life in the changing economic circumstances of China在中国不断变化的经济状况中的生活certain, particular, specific 某种/特定的/具体的情况current, present 当前的/目前的情况right 合适的情况life (especially NAmE) 生活状况... OF CIRCUMSTANCESset 一系列情况an unfortunate set of circumstances that made her life difficult使她生活陷入困境的一连串不幸遭遇CIRCUMSTANCE + VERBchange 情况变化conspire 情况共同导致⋯I felt that circumstances were conspiring against me.我感到各种情况都对我很不利。force 情况迫使dictate sth, require sth, warrant sth 情况决定⋯/要求⋯/证明⋯正当Circumstances dictate that I should leave this town forever.客观形势决定我应该永远离开这座小镇。allow 情况允许PREPOSITIONaccording to circumstance 根据情况The amount paid will vary according to circumstances.所付数额视情况而定。due to... circumstances 由于⋯的情况Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule the concert.由于始料未及的情况,我们不得不将音乐会改期。in... circumstances 在⋯情况下She died in suspicious circumstances.她死得蹊跷。in the circumstances, under the circumstances 在⋯情况下In the circumstances, you'd better call the police.在这种情况下,你最好打电话报警。circumstance surrounding 围绕⋯的情况The bank will investigate the circumstances surrounding the robbery.银行要调查这桩抢劫案的相关情况。PHRASESby force of circumstance 迫于形势The survivors ate plants and insects by force of circumstance.幸存者迫于环境只得吃植物和昆虫。circumstances beyond our control 我们无法控制的情况The delays were due to circumstances beyond our control.延误是由于不可控因素造成的。the circumstances of sb's life 某人的生活状况the tragic circumstances of his early life他早年悲惨的境遇a combination of circumstances 各种情况的综合We lost our position in the market due to a combination of circumstances.由于多方面的原因,我们失去了原先的市场地位。in no circumstances, under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不;决不Under no circumstances should you leave the door unlocked.无论如何都不应该不锁门。a victim of circumstance 客观环境的受害者He was simply a victim of circumstance.他不过是个客观环境的牺牲品。




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