

词组 way
释义 way


2route/road 路线ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbest, quickest, right, shortest 最佳途径;最快捷的途径;正确道路;最短路线wrong 错误的道路own, separate (figurative) 自己的路;不同的路He's always gone his own way when it comes to design.在设计方面,他总是走他自己的路。roundabout 迂回的方式This is a roundabout way of saying that nothing has been accomplished.这是委婉之词,事情其实一无所成。VERB + WAYgo 走⋯路I'm going your way, so we can walk together.我走你那条路,这样咱们可以一起走。When we finished school, we all went our separate ways. (figurative) 毕业之后,我们就都各奔东西。part 分开We parted ways once we went off to college.上大学后我们就分开了。go out of (figurative) 特地She went out of her way to help them.她不辞劳苦地帮助他们。keep out of, stay out of (both figurative) 躲开Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我们不要打扰她。bar, block, get in, stand in 挡路;堵塞道路;碍事A fallen tree blocked the way.一棵倒下的树堵塞了道路。He wanted to go to college and would let nothing stand in his way. (figurative) 他想上大学,不会让任何事情阻碍他的。clear, pave, prepare, smooth (all figurative) 开辟道路;铺平道路;排除障碍The withdrawal of troops should clear the way for a peace settlement.撤军将为和平解决争端开辟道路。give, make (= allow sb/sth to go first or take your place) 让路;让位Give way to traffic already on the roundabout. (BrE) 给已经驶上环岛的车辆让路。The storm gave way to bright sunshine. (figurative) 暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。Make way for the guests!给客人让路!Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.为了开辟草场,热带雨林给砍伐掉了。edge, feel, grope, inch, make, push, thread, weave, wend, wind, work 挤身过去;摸索着前进;缓慢地移动;前进;推搡着挤开一条路;穿行;迂回前行;蜿蜒前行;艰难地前进He edged his way along the wall.他贴着墙侧身前行。The river wound its way through the valley.河水蜿蜒流过山谷。claw, cut, elbow, fight, force, hack, pick, shoulder, shove 抓住东西费力前行;披荆斩棘前进;用肘推搡着前进;奋力前进;挤过去;小心翼翼地走;侧身挤过去;挤出一条路She fought her way up to the top of the company. (figurative) 她一路奋斗到了公司的最高层。We picked our way carefully over the jagged rocks.我们在犬牙交错的岩石中小心翼翼地前行。bluff, talk, trick (figurative) 蒙混过关;凭说话摆脱困境;靠耍手腕过关She bluffed her way through the exam.她考试蒙混过关了。weasel, worm 耍滑头过关;慢慢行进He had somehow wormed his way into her affections.他还是设法慢慢地博得了她的欢心。snake 蜿蜒行进The procession snaked its way through the town.游行队伍蜿蜒穿过小镇。lose 迷路;忘记意图She lost her way in the fog.她在大雾中迷了路。This project seems to have lost its way. (figurative) 这个项目似乎背离了原来的意图。find 找寻出路He couldn't find a way through the bracken.他在蕨丛中找不到出路。We will eventually find a way out of the crisis. (figurative) 我们最终会找到摆脱危机的方法。manoeuvre/maneuver, navigate 巧妙前行;确定行车路线He had to navigate his way through the city's one-way streets.他不得不开着车在该市的单行道上穿行。ask (sb) (向某人)问路She asked him the way to the station.她向他询问去车站的路。tell sb 给某人指路know 认识路Do you know the way?你认识路吗?come (figurative) 被⋯遇到Have any interesting articles come your way recently?你最近读到什么有意思的文章了吗?PREPOSITIONalong the way 沿路We saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我们看到了一起可怕的事故。in the/your way 挡路There were several rocks in the way.有几块岩石挡住了路。out of the/your way 不挡路Could you please get those boxes out of my way?劳驾您把这些箱子搬开,不要拦住我的路好吗?on the/your way 在途中We stopped for a snack on the way here.我们来这儿的途中停下来吃了点儿东西。out of the/your way 不挡路;不在⋯要走的路上The library is slightly out of my way.我去图书馆不太顺路。way across 穿过⋯的路The way across the fields is longer but pleasanter.穿过田间的路远一些,但走起来更惬意。way from 从⋯开始的路the quickest way from my Edinburgh to Glasgow从我所在的爱丁堡到格拉斯哥最快的路way out of 离开⋯的路Can you tell me the way out of here?你能告诉我出去的路吗?way through 通过⋯的路The way through the woods is quicker.穿过树林走更快些。way to 到⋯的路the easiest way from my house to yours从我家到你家最好走的路线PHRASEStake the easy way out 以最简单的方法解决难题He took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.他只求方便,干脆雇人代笔写文章。the way back, the way forward 回去的路;向前的路On the way back, he invited me to his home for drinks.回去的路上,他邀请我去他家喝一杯。the way down, the way up 下去的路;上去的路the way here, the way over, the way there 来这儿的路;过去的路;到那儿的路the way home 回家的路We stopped for a drink on the way home.在回家途中我们停下来喝了点儿东西。the way in, the way out 进来的路;出去的路the way north, south, etc. 向北、向南等的路We didn't stop on the way north.在向北走的路上我们没有停下来。on your merry way 一意孤行Then he went off on his merry way.然后他执意离开了。




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