

词组 irritation
释义 irritation


1feeling/cause of being irritated 恼怒;恼人事ADJECTIVE | VERB + IRRITATION | IRRITATION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable (especially BrE) , great, intense, major, some (especially BrE) 极度的恼怒;严重的烦扰;有些恼火'I'm not American, I'm Canadian,' he replied with some irritation.“我不是美国人,我是加拿大人。”他有些恼怒地回答说。mild, minor, slight 愠怒;小烦恼;些微的恼怒the minor irritation of having to wait因不得不等待略感烦躁constant 持续不断的烦恼VERB + IRRITATIONfeel 感到焦躁He felt slight irritation at being kept waiting.他因为被迫久等而有些恼火。express, show 表达/表现恼怒He showed no irritation at the delay.他没有因为延迟而显得烦躁。conceal, hide, suppress 掩藏焦躁之情;压抑恼火She made no attempt to conceal her irritation.她毫不掩藏自己的焦躁。He was unable to hide his irritation any longer.他再也无法掩藏自己的恼怒了。cause 导致恼怒Such delays can cause considerable irritation.这样一次次的拖延会令人相当恼火。IRRITATION + VERBgrow 恼怒加重She felt irritation growing in her.她觉得内心的恼怒在积聚。show 恼怒表现出来She didn't let her irritation show.她没让自己的恼怒表现出来。PREPOSITIONin irritation 心烦地Gary shook his head in irritation.加里心烦意乱地摇头。to your irritation 令人恼火地I found to my great irritation that I'd forgotten the movie.我极其恼火地发现自己把电影的事给忘了。with irritation 恼怒地'Of course not!' she said with some irritation.她有些恼火地说:“当然不!”irritation at 因⋯感到烦躁our irritation at the delay我们因延误而感到的烦躁irritation to 令⋯不快的事This is a major irritation to commuters.这是令通勤者最为不快的事。irritation with 对⋯感到的恼怒her irritation with people who were slow她对反应迟钝的人的不耐烦PHRASESa sense of irritation 烦躁感a source of irritation 烦恼的原因Traffic noise is a source of constant irritation.交通噪声长期令人烦恼。




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