

词组 chain
释义 chain


4number of connected events or situations 接二连三的事件ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHAIN | CHAIN + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong 一长串关联的事件complex 一连串复杂的事件the complex chain of events that led to the war导致那场战争的一系列错综复杂的事件unbroken 不间断的系列He is the latest in an unbroken chain of entertainers.他是不断涌现的演艺人员中最新的一位。causal 偶然的关联food, supply 食物链efforts to ensure that dioxins do not enter the food chain为确保二噁英不进入食物链的努力VERB + CHAINbreak 断开连锁CHAIN + NOUNreaction 连锁反应letter 连锁信PHRASESa chain of command (= a system by which instructions are passed from one person to another) 指挥系统a chain of events 一连串事件




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