

词组 certainty
释义 certainty


ADJECTIVE | ... OF CERTAINTY | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEabsolute, complete 绝对的/完全的确定near, reasonable, virtual 几乎可以确定It's a virtual certainty that essential foodstuffs will go up in price.几乎可以肯定基本食品的价格将会上涨。moral 绝对的把握... OF CERTAINTYdegree 确定程度It's difficult to predict with any degree of certainty how much it will cost.要花多少钱很难作出任何确切的预测。PREPOSITIONwith certainty 确定地I couldn't say with absolute certainty that he's here.我没有绝对的把握说他现在在这儿。PHRASESa lack of certainty 没有把握There seems to be a lack of certainty over what we should do.看来我们应该做什么还无法确定。the one certainty, the only certainty 唯一确定的事The one certainty left in a changing world is death.在不断变化的世界中唯一不变的就是死亡。




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