

词组 prayer
释义 prayer


ADJECTIVE | VERB + PRAYER | PRAYER + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElittle, quick, short 短短的祈祷She whispered a little prayer.她低声念了一句祷词。private, quiet, silent 私下里的祈祷;默默的祈祷She uttered a silent prayer.她默默地做了祈祷。special 特别的祈祷fervent, heartfelt 热切的/衷心的祈祷unanswered 未得到回应的祈祷afternoon, bedtime, evening, midday, morning, noon 午后祷;夜祷;晚祷;午时经;晨祷daily 每日的祈祷ritual 祈祷仪式the five daily ritual prayers of Islam伊斯兰教每天五次的祷告Friday 星期五祈祷Muslims attend Friday prayers at the mosque.穆斯林在清真寺做星期五祈祷。Christian, Jewish, etc. 基督徒、犹太人等的祈祷family 家庭祈祷school (especially NAmE) 学校祈祷the contentious issue of school prayer有争议的学校祈祷问题VERB + PRAYERgive, offer, offer up, pray, say, send up, utter 做祈祷;祷告He gave a prayer of thanks to the troops.他进行祈祷以感谢军队。I sent up a quick prayer and entered the interview room.我快速地做了一个祈祷然后走进了面试室。She began to pray a prayer of sincere gratitude.她开始祈祷,诚挚而充满感激。mutter, whisper 喃喃/耳语祈祷Whenever I pass a temple, I mutter a quick prayer.每当经过一个寺庙,我都会很快地喃喃祈祷。chant, read, recite 吟唱/朗读/背诵祈祷词Priests chanted prayers and read from sacred texts.牧师们吟唱祷词,朗读宗教经文。remember sb in 为某人祈祷Let us remember them in our prayers today.我们今天为他们祈祷吧。hear 听到祈祷answer 回应祈祷Does God answer our prayers?上帝会回应我们的祈祷吗?grant 允诺祈祷(提出的要求)Thankfully, his prayers were granted.令人欣慰的是,他的祈祷应验了。kneel in 跪着祈祷The congregation kneeled in prayer.会众跪着祈祷。join in, meet for 聚在一起祈祷Local groups meet for prayer.当地的组织聚在一起做祷告。have 做祷告We had family prayers before breakfast.我们全家人早餐前在一起做祈祷。attend 参加祷告Students are required to attend prayers twice a week.要求学生每周参加两次祷告。lead 引领祈祷An imam leads the prayer and usually gives a sermon.伊玛目带领祈祷,通常还做一个布道。PRAYER + NOUNbook 祈祷书beads 念珠He fiddled with his prayer beads.他拨弄着他的念珠。mat, rug (穆斯林祷告时用的)祈祷跪毯shawl (犹太教徒祈祷时用的)有穗饰长方形披巾a Jewish prayer shawl犹太人的祈祷披肩flag 祈祷旗Buddhist prayer flags fluttering in the breeze在微风中飘动的佛教经幡旗wheel 转经筒Tibetan monks use a prayer wheel.西藏僧侣使用转经筒。meeting, service, session, vigil (星期日以外平时晚间的)祈祷会/仪式/会议/守夜breakfast (NAmE) 早餐祈祷聚会circle, group 祈祷圈;祷告组leader 祈祷引领者a prayer leader at the mosque清真寺的祈祷引领人hall, room 祈祷厅;祈祷室a Buddhist prayer hall佛教祈祷大厅a multi-faith prayer room in the college大学里多元信仰的祈祷室PREPOSITIONat prayer 做祈祷He spends an hour each day at prayer.他每天祈祷一小时。in prayer 在祈祷She moved her lips in silent prayer.她嘴唇在动,却并不出声地默默做着祈祷。prayer for 为⋯而做的祈祷a prayer for peace祈求和平的祷告prayer of ⋯的祈祷I said a prayer of grateful thanks to God.我做了祷告感谢上帝。prayer over ⋯时做的祈祷He spoke a brief prayer over their meal.他在他们用餐时做了简短的祈祷。prayer to 向⋯做的祈祷PHRASESthe answer to sb's prayers (= exactly what sb needs) 正是某人所需The letter was the answer to all her prayers.这封信正是她想要的。not have a prayer (= be sure to fail) 没有应验祈祷This never had a prayer of working.这是从未得到应验的祈祷。




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