

词组 ceasefire
释义 ceasefire


ADJECTIVE | VERB + CEASEFIRE | CEASEFIRE + VERB | CEASEFIRE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete 完全停火immediate 立即停战unilateral 单方面停火unconditional 无条件停火temporary 暂时的停火VERB + CEASEFIREcall for, demand, order 呼吁/要求/命令停火The UN has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.联合国通过一项决议,呼吁立即停火。broker, negotiate 调解停火;通过谈判达成停火协议accept, agree, agree to, declare, sign 接受停火;同意停火;宣布停火;签署停火协议call 宣布停火A 24-hour ceasefire was called to allow the distribution of aid.宣布停火 24 小时以便分发救援物资。announce 宣布停火achieve, secure 达成停火协议;确保停火observe 遵守停火协议enforce 实施停火协议break, violate 违反停火协议CEASEFIRE + VERBcome into effect (especially BrE) , go into effect (NAmE) 停火协议生效hold, last 停火协议持续There are concerns that the ceasefire might not hold.有人担心停火协议可能不会持续。CEASEFIRE + NOUNagreement, deal, terms 停火协议/协定/条款line 停火线PREPOSITIONceasefire between ⋯之间的停火a ceasefire between the government and the rebels政府与叛乱分子之间的停火ceasefire with 与⋯的停火They agreed to a ceasefire with the Egyptian government.他们同意与埃及政府的停火。PHRASESa violation of a ceasefire 对停火协议的违反




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