

词组 cat
释义 cat


ADJECTIVE | VERB + CAT | CAT + VERB | CAT + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdomestic, family, house (especially NAmE) , household, pet 家猫;宠物猫big 大型猫科动物She went to Africa to photograph big cats.她去非洲拍摄大型猫科动物。feral, wild 野猫alley, stray (街上的)野猫;流浪猫pedigree (BrE) , pedigreed (NAmE) 纯种猫long-haired, short-haired 长毛猫;短毛猫calico (NAmE) , tabby, tortoiseshell, etc. 杂色猫、斑猫、花斑家猫等tom (usually tomcat) 雄猫playful 顽皮的猫sleek 皮毛油亮的猫Cheshire (figurative) 咧嘴傻笑的人He was grinning like a Cheshire cat (= smiling widely).他咧着嘴傻笑。fat (figurative) 有钱人the fat cats of big business大企业的大亨VERB + CAThave, keep, own 有猫;养猫We have a pet cat called Archie.我们有一只叫阿奇的宠物猫。feed 喂猫pet (NAmE) , stroke (especially BrE) 抚摸猫neuter, spay 阉猫They didn't want kittens, so they had their cat spayed.他们不想要猫产崽,所以给它去了势。put down 把猫人道毁灭The cat was in constant pain so they had it put down.这只猫疼痛不止,他们只好把它人道处理了。CAT + VERBhiss, mew, miaow/meow, purr, spit, yowl 猫发出咝咝声;猫喵喵叫;猫(高兴时)发出呼噜声;猫(愤怒时)发出咕噜咕噜声;猫哀叫The cat miaowed pitifully.猫喵喵地叫得可怜。There was a cat yowling outside my window last night.昨晚有只猫在我窗前哀号。bite (sb), scratch (sb) 猫咬(某人);猫抓(某人)creep, pad, prowl, slink 猫爬行;猫悄悄地走;猫潜行;猫溜走A cat padded silently past.一只猫静悄悄地走了过去。The cat slunk away into the darkness.猫溜走了,消失在黑暗中。arch its back 猫弓起腰crouch 猫蜷伏curl up 猫蜷着catch sth, hunt (sth), stalk sth 猫抓住⋯;猫猎取(⋯);猫潜随⋯jump, leap, pounce (on sth), spring 猫跳跃;猫猛扑(到某物上)spray (sth) 猫撒(尿)Cats mark their territory by spraying.猫撒尿标示自己的领地。CAT + NOUNdoor (NAmE) , flap (BrE) 门上的猫洞food 猫食litter 一窝猫崽dander (NAmE) , hair 猫的皮屑;猫毛lover, owner 爱猫者;猫主人phobia 恐猫症PHRASESfight like cat and dog (BrE) , fight like cats and dogs (NAmE) 激烈争斗In our childhood Irina and I fought like cat(s) and dog(s).童年时我和伊琳娜是对头。play (a game of) cat and mouse 玩猫捉老鼠(的把戏)Young car thieves enjoy playing cat and mouse with the police.年轻的盗车贼喜欢与警察玩猫捉老鼠的把戏。




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