释义 |
rage noun 1great anger 大怒ADJECTIVE | ... OF RAGE | VERB + RAGE | RAGE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEblind, pure 无名怒火;盛怒blinding, boiling, burning, seething, uncontrollable 使人丧失理智的愤怒;怒不可遏;怒火中烧;炽烈的怒火;难以抑制的狂怒homicidal (especially NAmE) , murderous 想要杀人的狂怒helpless, impotent 无奈的狂怒◆She was burning with impotent rage.她怒火中烧却无能为力。pent-up, suppressed 抑制的狂怒... OF RAGEbout, burst, fit 一阵狂怒;勃然大怒;发脾气◆He punched the wall in a fit of rage.盛怒之下他用拳头猛击墙壁。VERB + RAGEbe full of, feel, fill sb with 义愤填膺;感到愤怒;使某人感到愤怒◆He was filled with rage.他怒气冲冲。be beside yourself with, be boiling with, burn with, explode with, fume with, seethe with 愤怒得发狂;怒火中烧;大动肝火;大发雷霆;勃然大怒;怒气冲冲◆He glared at me, quite beside himself with rage.他瞪着我,怒不可遏。◆Her eyes were burning with rage.她的眼中充满怒气。◆I was seething with rage.我怒火中烧。be contorted with, contort with 气得变形◆'How dare you!' she said, her face contorted with rage.“你竟敢这样!”她说道,脸都气歪了。shake with, tremble with 气得发抖◆He was literally shaking with rage.他简直气得浑身颤抖。◆Her voice was trembling with rage.她气得话音发颤。be red with, be white with 气得脸色发红/发白express, unleash, vent 表达/宣泄/发泄愤怒◆The people vented their rage on government buildings.人们把怒气都发泄在政府大楼上了。fuel 激起愤怒◆His answer only seemed to fuel her rage.他的回答似乎只是激起了她更大的愤怒。channel, control, master 化解/控制/遏制怒气◆He managed to master his rage.他设法压住了怒火。RAGE + VERBboil, boil over, boil up, burn 怒气沸腾;怒火燃烧◆Ron felt rage boil up inside him.罗恩感到胸中怒气沸腾。◆Her rage boiled over as she burst into tears.她放声大哭,再也无法控制自己的愤怒。build up, grow 愤怒升级◆She felt the rage building up inside her.她感到胸中怒火越来越盛。consume sb, fill sb 怒火吞噬某人;某人怒火满腔◆Blind rage consumed him.他被一股无名怒火所吞噬。erupt 愤怒爆发◆His rage suddenly erupted.他勃然大怒。subside 怒气消退◆His rage was beginning to subside.他的怒气开始消退。PREPOSITIONwith rage 因愤怒◆She was speechless with rage.她气得说不出话来。rage at 因⋯而愤怒◆He was boiling with rage at the unfairness of it all.他对这一切的不公平感到怒不可遏。PHRASESa bellow of rage, a cry of rage, a roar of rage, a scream of rage 一声怒吼◆He gave a roar of rage and punched me in the face.他怒吼一声,猛地一拳打在我脸上。tears of rage 愤怒的泪水 |