释义 |
racism noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + RACISM | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEblatant, overt 露骨的/公开的种族主义◆I was shocked by the blatant racism of his remarks.他公开的种族主义言论令我震惊。covert, subtle 隐形的/微妙的种族主义pervasive, rampant, virulent (especially NAmE) 无处不在的/猖獗的/充满敌意的种族主义◆Racism is rampant in the armed forces.军队中种族主义十分猖獗。inherent, institutional, institutionalized, systemic 固有的/制度上的/制度化的/系统的种族主义anti-Arab, anti-Black, etc. 反阿拉伯人、反黑人等的种族主义VERB + RACISMbe a victim of, experience 成为种族主义的牺牲品;经历种族歧视◆Many immigrants have experienced racism.许多移民都遭遇过种族歧视。combat, fight, fight against, tackle (especially BrE) 与种族主义作斗争;对付种族主义◆measures to combat racism针对种族主义的种种举措end, eradicate, stamp out (especially BrE) 结束/消灭/消除种族主义challenge, confront 挑战/对抗种族主义PREPOSITIONagainst racism 反对种族主义◆the fight against racism反对种族主义的斗争racism in ⋯方面的种族主义◆There is a shocking amount of racism in society.社会上存在着数量惊人的种族主义问题。PHRASESa form of racism 种族主义的形式 |