

词组 questionnaire
释义 questionnaire


ADJECTIVE | VERB + QUESTIONNAIRE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrief, short, simple 简短的问卷;简单的问卷detailed, lengthy 详细的/冗长的问卷standardized 标准化的问卷follow-up 后续的问卷online 网上问卷mailed (NAmE) , postal (BrE) 邮寄的问卷self-administered, self-report 自填式/自陈式问卷VERB + QUESTIONNAIREdesign, develop, prepare 设计问卷;准备问卷distribute, send, send out 分发问卷;发放问卷administer, give sb 发给/给某人问卷receive 收到问卷complete, fill in (BrE) , fill out (especially NAmE) 完成问卷;填写问卷reply to, respond to, return, send, send in 回答问卷问题;交还问卷;寄交问卷Most of the people who responded to the questionnaire were supportive.回答问卷的人大多数表示支持。analyse/analyze 分析问卷PREPOSITIONquestionnaire about 关于⋯的问卷Local companies were asked to complete a questionnaire about their exports.请当地公司填写了一份关于各自出口产品的调查问卷。questionnaire concerning 有关⋯的问卷questionnaires concerning people's leisure preferences有关人们业余爱好的调查问卷questionnaire on 关于⋯的问卷a questionnaire on the environment环境问题调查问卷




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