

词组 buyer
释义 buyer


ADJECTIVE | VERB + BUYER | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpotential, prospective, would-be 潜在的买主;可能的买主first-time 初次购买者The houses are ideal for first-time buyers.这房子非常适合首次置业者。home, house (especially BrE) 买房者canny (especially BrE) , discerning (especially BrE) , savvy (NAmE) 精明的/有眼光的/有头脑的买主VERB + BUYERhave 有买主find, get 找到买主They quickly found a buyer for their house.他们很快就为房子找到了买家。attract, entice, interest, tempt 吸引买家;使买家产生兴趣deter 阻拦买家sell sth to 卖⋯给买主PREPOSITIONbuyer for ⋯的买主Did you find a buyer for your house?你的房子找到买主了吗?PHRASESbuyer beware (= the buyer is responsible for checking the quality of the goods) 买方自负责任In matters of second-hand cars, your motto should be 'buyer beware'.购买二手车的原则应当是“买方自负责任”。a buyer's market (= when prices are low) 买方市场In a buyer's market the commodity is plentiful and so its price is not high.在买方市场的情况下,商品丰富,因此价格不高。




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