

词组 business
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2amount of trade done 做成的生意量ADJECTIVE | VERB + BUSINESS | BUSINESS + VERB ADJECTIVEbrisk, good 生意兴隆Business was brisk and they had sold out by midday.生意很好,到中午他们就卖完了。bad, slack (especially BrE) , slow 生意不景气;生意清淡new 新生意They've cut their rates to attract new business.他们降低了费用以招揽新生意。repeat 回头客生意Our repeat business is 50% or higher.我们的回头客生意有 50% 或者更高。VERB + BUSINESSdo 做生意They're doing good business in Asia.他们在亚洲生意做得很好。attract, drum up, generate 招揽生意She's in Europe drumming up business for her new company.她在欧洲为自己创办的新公司招揽生意。tout for (BrE) 拉生意insurance salesmen touting for business拉生意的保险推销员affect, hurt 影响/损害生意Cheap imports are hurting business for domestic producers.廉价的进口货损害了国内生产商的生意。lose 失去生意We're losing business to our main rivals.我们的生意正在被主要的竞争对手拉走。handle 处理业务We took on temporary staff to handle the extra business.我们雇了临时人员办理额外的生意。BUSINESS + VERBboom, grow 业务繁荣/增长Business is booming for the big pharmaceutical companies.大制药公司业务繁荣。pick up 生意好起来After a slack period, business is now picking up.经过一段不景气的时期,生意现在好起来了。slow, slow down 生意清淡下来Business has slowed considerably in recent months.最近几个月生意清淡了许多。




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