

词组 building
释义 building


1house, church, school, etc. 房屋;教堂;学校ADJECTIVE | VERB + BUILDING | BUILDING + VERB ADJECTIVEbig, high-rise, huge, large, massive, tall, towering 大型建筑物;高层建筑;庞大的建筑物;巨大的建筑;高楼;高耸入云的建筑low, low-rise, single-storey/single-story, small 低矮建筑物;单层建筑attractive (especially BrE) , beautiful, fine, grand, imposing, impressive, landmark, magnificent 漂亮的建筑;宏伟的建筑;地标性建筑The opera house is one of the city's landmark buildings.这座歌剧院是该市的地标性建筑之一。condemned, crumbling, derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, run-down, tumbledown (BrE) 宣告不能居住的/行将倒塌的/残破的/荒废了的/东倒西歪的/破败的/摇摇欲坠的建筑abandoned, empty 被废弃的/空荡荡的建筑物ancient, historic, old 古建筑;年代久远的建筑Both architects specialize in the restoration of historic buildings.两位建筑师都是专门从事古建筑修复的。17th-century, etc. * 17 世纪等的建筑listed (BrE) 纳入建筑保护名录的建筑物They were refused planning permission for an extension because it was a Grade II listed building.他们的扩建计划未获许可,因为该建筑属于二级保护建筑。modern 现代建筑brick, concrete, stone, timber, wooden, etc. 砖砌建筑、混凝土建筑、石砌建筑、木质建筑等green (= good for the environment) 绿色(环保)建筑commercial, industrial, residential 商业/工业/住宅建筑The prices of commercial and residential buildings increased by 13.4%.商业和住宅建筑的价格上涨了 13.4%。civic, municipal, public 民用建筑;市政大楼;公共建筑federal, government 联邦政府/政府大楼administration, administrative 行政大楼apartment (NAmE) , tenement 公寓大楼;廉租房Housing is limited and most people live in high-rise apartment buildings.住房有限,大多数人住在高层公寓楼里。church, factory, farm, headquarters, hospital, museum, office, parliament, prison, school 教堂建筑;厂房;农场建筑;总部大楼;医院大楼;博物馆建筑;办公大楼;议会大楼;监狱建筑;学校建筑airport, terminal 机场大楼;航站大楼campus (especially NAmE) 校园建筑dorm, dormitory (both NAmE) 宿舍楼downtown (NAmE) 市中心商业区的建筑main 主楼entire, whole 整个建筑existing 现有建筑new 新建筑original 原来的建筑adjacent, nearby, surrounding 邻近的/附近的/周围的建筑VERB + BUILDINGdesign 设计大楼build, construct, erect, put up 盖建筑物;建楼Several new buildings are now being put up.几幢新楼正在建设中。complete 完成大楼建设demolish, destroy, flatten, gut, knock down, pull down (BrE) , raze, tear down 拆除建筑物;毁坏建筑物;将建筑物夷为平地;毁坏建筑物的内部The building was gutted by fire.大火焚毁了建筑物的内部。damage 损坏建筑物renovate, restore 翻新建筑物;修葺建筑物They're renovating the old farm buildings.他们正在修葺那些破旧的农场建筑。convert 改建建筑物In 2008 the building was converted into a house.2008 年该建筑改建成了一处住宅。evacuate 撤离大楼occupy 占据大楼lease 出租大楼BUILDING + VERBcollapse 建筑物倒塌house sth 建筑物容纳⋯sit, stand 建筑物坐落/矗立a central square, where two buildings stand矗立着两座建筑物的中央广场




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