

词组 book
释义 book


1for reading 阅读ADJECTIVE | ... OF BOOK | VERB + BOOK | BOOK + VERB | BOOK + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElatest, new, recent 最新出版的书;新书;近期出版的书best-selling 畅销书forthcoming, upcoming (especially NAmE) 即将出版的书hardback, hardcover (especially NAmE) , leather-bound, paperback 精装书;皮面书;平装书printed 印刷书one of the earliest printed books最早的印刷书之一rare 珍本书second-hand (especially BrE) , used (NAmE) 二手书excellent, fascinating, fine, good, great, interesting, readable, remarkable, terrific, useful, wonderful 极好的/引人入胜的/很棒的/好看的/了不起的/有意思的/值得一读的/可圈可点的/极佳的/有用的/精彩的书There's nothing like curling up with a mug of tea and a good book.没有比蜷坐一处,边喝茶边看一本好书更惬意的事了。famous, important, influential 名著;重要的书;有影响的书controversial 有争议的书a controversial book about the royal family一本关于王室的有争议的书favourite/favorite 最喜欢的书a survey to find the nation's favourite / favorite children's book关于全国最受欢迎的儿童书籍的调查library 馆藏书audio 有声书籍children's, colouring/coloring, comic, picture, reading, story (usually storybook) 儿童书籍;彩绘书;漫画书;图画书;读本;故事书cook (usually cookbook) , cookery (BrE) 烹饪书guide (usually guidebook) , travel 指南;旅行手册phrase, reference (供出国旅游者使用的)外语常用语手册;参考书coffee-table, illustrated 精装大开本画册;插图本how-to, self-help, tell-all 指南;自助指南;攻略school, set (BrE) , text (usually textbook) 教科书;指定用书;课本'Emma' was one of our set books for the exam.《爱玛》是我们考试的指定用书之一。history, science, etc. 历史书、科学书等address, autograph, exercise, order 地址簿;签名册;练习本;订货簿phone, telephone 电话号码簿holy, hymn, prayer 圣书;赞美诗书;祈祷书... OF BOOKcopy 一本书How many copies of the book did you order?这本书你订购了多少本?VERB + BOOKflick through (especially BrE) , flip through (especially NAmE) , look at, read, skim through 快速翻阅书;看书;读书;浏览书be deep in, be engrossed in, be immersed in 全神贯注地读书study 研究书look up from, put down 暂停看书抬起头;放下书She looked up from her book and smiled at him.她暂停看书,抬起头朝他笑了笑。I couldn't put the book down.我读这本书欲罢不能。close, open 合上书;打开书author, co-author, write 写书;合写书bring out, publish, put out 出版书reprint 重印书edit, proofread, revise 编辑书;校对书;修订书translate 翻译书illustrate 给书配插图bind 装订书ban, censor 查禁书;审查书dedicate, inscribe 把书献给;题献书The book is dedicated to his mother.这本书是献给他母亲的。Her name was inscribed in the book.书上题有她的名字。The collector had many books inscribed to him by famous authors.这位收藏家有许多著名作家题赠给他的书。review 写书评recommend 推荐书borrow, check out (especially NAmE) , have out, take out (especially BrE) (= from a library) 借书;从图书馆借书How many books can I borrow?我可以借多少本书?return, take back (= to a library) 还书;把书还回图书馆renew 续借书籍Do you want to renew any of your library books?你从图书馆借来的书,有想续借的吗?BOOK + VERBappear, come out 书籍面世/出版His latest book will appear in December.他的新作将于 12 月面世。be out of print, go out of print 书绝版BOOK + NOUNtitle 书名review, reviewer 书评;书评家club 读书俱乐部token (BrE) 购书券bag (NAmE) 书包PREPOSITIONin a/the book 在书中These issues are discussed in his latest book.这些问题在他新书中都有论述。book about, book on 关于⋯的书She's busy writing a book on astrology.她正忙着写一本关于占星术的书。book by ⋯写的书a book by Robert Grout罗伯特・格劳特著的书book of ⋯的书a book of walks in London一本关于漫步伦敦的书




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