

词组 promotion
释义 promotion


1to a higher position 晋升ADJECTIVE | VERB + PROMOTION | PROMOTION + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVErapid 快速晋升internal 内部晋升The company encourages internal promotion.公司鼓励内部晋升。VERB + PROMOTIONearn, gain, get, receive, win 获得/取得/得到/接受/赢得提升If I can't get promotion soon, I'll look for another job.如果不能很快得到提升,我就要找别的工作。deserve 应该得到提升We congratulate James on his well-deserved promotion to Chief Executive.我们祝贺詹姆斯升为行政总裁,这是他完全应得的。recommend sb for 推荐提升某人offer sb 提出晋升某人deny sb 拒绝提升某人announce 宣布提升seek, want 寻求/想要提升PROMOTION + NOUNopportunities, prospects (BrE) 晋升机会/希望race (BrE, sport 体育) 晋升比赛With three matches remaining, there are six teams in the promotion race.还剩下 3 场比赛,有 6 支球队在争取晋级。PREPOSITIONpromotion from, promotion to 从⋯提升;提升到⋯her promotion from assistant to associate professor她从助教到副教授的晋升PHRASESchance of promotion, chances of promotion 晋级的机会She felt she had little chance of promotion in her job.她觉得她在这一岗位晋升的机会不大。The team's chances of promotion took a knock when they lost at home. (BrE) 主场失利后,球队晋级的可能性大大降低。




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