

词组 ignorant
释义 ignorant


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSappear, be, feel, seem, sound 显得无知;无知;觉得无知;似乎无知;听上去无知act 佯装不知情I decided to continue acting ignorant, just to make fun of her.我决定继续假装不知情,只是为了逗她玩玩。remain, stay (NAmE) 仍然不了解The general public remained totally ignorant of the danger.公众对这一危险仍然全无意识。I wanted to stay ignorant of my fate for a few more precious hours.我想再多享受宝贵的几小时而不去想自己的命运如何。keep sb 把某人蒙在鼓里We were kept ignorant of the facts.我们受了蒙蔽,不了解事实真相。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc. 极其/相当/非常无知completely, entirely, incredibly, plain, profoundly, totally, utterly, wholly 一无所知;难以置信地无知;简直愚昧;纯粹无知;浑然不知Don't ask Paul. He's completely ignorant.别问保罗,他完全不知情。largely 大体无知simply 简直无知They are simply ignorant, I'm afraid to say.他们简直就是无知,恐怕我只能这样说了。blissfully 有幸不知道We went to bed that night blissfully ignorant of the storm to come.好在那天我们上床睡觉时对即将来临的暴风雨一无所知。wilfully/willfully 故作无知woefully 无知得可悲PREPOSITIONabout 对⋯无知He was completely ignorant about the country's political system.他对这个国家的政治体制一无所知。of 对于⋯无知We are still woefully ignorant of the causes of this disease.令人悲哀的是,我们对这种疾病的致病原因仍然一无所知。




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