

词组 blood
释义 blood


ADJECTIVE | ... OF BLOOD | VERB + BLOOD | BLOOD + VERB | BLOOD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcold, hot, warm 冷血;热血;温血clotted, congealed, dried 凝结的血;干结的血fresh 新鲜的血arterial, venous 动脉血;静脉血menstrual 经血contaminated 受到污染的血aristocratic, blue, noble, pure, royal 贵族/上流/高贵/纯正/皇家血统I doubt if I have a single drop of aristocratic blood in my veins.我看我身上没有一丁点儿贵族血统。African, Irish, Mediterranean, etc. 非洲、爱尔兰、地中海等血统animal, human 动物的血;人血fake 假血... OF BLOODdrop, pool, trickle 一滴血;一摊血;细细的血流The body lay in a pool of blood.尸体躺在血泊之中。A thin trickle of blood ran down from a cut above her eye.一道细细的血流从她眼角上方的伤口流下来。spots, traces 血斑;血迹He worked to remove all traces of blood.他忙着清除所有的血迹。VERB + BLOODlose 失血She'd lost a lot of blood and doctors decided to do a transfusion.她大量失血,医生决定输血。shed, spill (literary) 使流血He was a hot-headed youth, always too quick to shed blood.他是个鲁莽的年轻人,总是动辄出手伤人。donate, give 献血The hospital appealed for more people to donate blood.医院呼吁更多的人献血。pump 输送血液The heart pumps blood around the body.心脏把血液输送到全身。collect, draw 采血;抽血Samples of blood were drawn using sterile syringes.血液样本是用消毒针管采集的。choke on 被血呛住He choked on his own blood after being shot in the throat.他喉咙中弹,鲜血呛得他透不过气来。smear, wipe 沾上血;抹上血There was blood smeared down his shirt.他衬衣上有一片血污。BLOOD + VERBdribble, drip, flow, gush, ooze, run, seep, splash, spurt, stream, trickle, well, well up 血滴下;血流出;血涌出;血渗出;血溅出;血喷出;血细细地流出Blood oozed slowly from the corner of his mouth.鲜血从他的嘴角慢慢渗出。spread 血流淌开来The blood spread rapidly from where he lay.鲜血从他躺的地方很快流淌开来。spatter sth, splatter 血飞溅Blood spattered the seats of the vehicle.鲜血飞溅到车子的座位上。soak sth, soak into sth 血渗透进⋯cake sth, stain sth 血干结在⋯;血沾污⋯Dried blood caked his hands.他的双手上干结着一层血。clot, coagulate, congeal 血液凝结circulate 血液循环He rubbed his limbs vigorously to get the blood circulating.他用力摩擦四肢让血液循环起来。course, rush, surge 血液奔流I felt the blood coursing in my veins as I ran.我跑步时感觉血液在血管里奔涌。The blood rushed to her face as she realized her error.当她意识到了自己的错误时血一下子涌上了她的脸。pound, pulse 血管突突直跳The blood pounded in her ears.她耳朵里的血管突突直跳。drain 血流干The blood drained from his face when I told him the news.我告诉他这个消息的时候,他的脸变得煞白。freeze, run cold, turn cold, turn to ice 吓坏了;不寒而栗Our blood ran cold at the thought of how easily we could have been killed.一想到当时很容易就会被杀掉,我们就吓得浑身冰凉。BLOOD + NOUNcell 血细胞group, type (especially NAmE) 血型What blood group are you? (BrE) 你是什么血型?What blood type do you have? (NAmE) 你是什么血型?sample, test 血液样本;血液检查count 血细胞计数Her white blood cell count is slightly elevated.她的白细胞计数稍微偏高。loss 失血donation, donor 献血;献血者bank 血库circulation, flow, supply 血(液)循环;血流量;血供 (see also blood pressure, blood vessel) clot, coagulation 血块;凝血disease, disorder, poisoning 血液病;败血症cholesterol, glucose, sugar 血胆固醇;血糖transfusion 输血PREPOSITIONin blood 在血中His shirt was soaked in blood.他的衬衣被血浸透了。in sb's/the blood 在血液中Traces of an illegal substance were found in his blood.在他的血液中发现了违禁物质的成分。blood from 从⋯流出的血My handkerchief was soaked in blood from my nose.我的鼻血把手帕都浸透了。PHRASEScaked in blood, caked with blood 干结着一层血The dog's fur was caked in blood when we found him.我们找到这只狗的时候,它的毛都被血凝住了。covered in blood, covered with blood 覆盖着一层血He was lying on the floor, covered in blood.他躺在地板上,全身是血。in cold blood 残忍并蓄意地He shot them in cold blood (= in a way that was planned and deliberately cruel).他残忍地射杀了他们。




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